What do I write about?

I’ve wanted to for years sit down and type something. But not just anything. Something worth writing and something worth reading. Maybe you’ve felt the same? Well right now…I’m not doing either. But maybe if I keep typing something worthwhile will come out? We’ll see…

What do I write about? Sometimes subjects aren’t the issue. Narrowing them down is the issue! I want to write a little bit about everything. There are some things I could talk about all day every day. But it’s not necessarily informing…maybe sometimes entertaining…sometimes not. So when I think about what to write about…well what are my favorite things to talk about? For me that’s books, livestock, and entrepreneurship. Mix the 3 and I’ll talk to you forever! I love to talk to people who continually want to learn and grow. They are so refreshing! The exchanging of ideas brings a smile to my face and an excitement to the day. I don’t wanna stop!!

Currently I’m reading a book that talks about what it means for God providing and blessing. Realizing yet again God wants us to thrive not just survive. That we sometimes (shamefully a lot of times..) don’t realize the power we have in Christ. That our faith should be big because the God we serve is a BIG God and He will provide. It makes me look up from the book and really look to recognize where I can better have faith in Him.


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When it comes to livestock I’ve got a mare named Moonshine, a donkey that my boys named Steve, couple of dogs and cats, and last week I picked up 3 goats. Coffee, Huckleberry, and Finn. Doe, buck, and a wether. All of them Nigerian Dwarf goat breed. This week I went with my boy who wanted his own goat, and he picked out a pregnant doe, Cocoa, to add to our little weed eating crew.  They are doing a fabulous job of weed eating in the moveable pen we have set up for them and we enjoy going out and handing out animal cracker treats to win their little hearts over while we watch them at work. Think the pregnant doe, Cocoa, is due within a month and my little doe girl, Coffee, is due January sometime. We can’t wait till there are little kids running around!

I think I’ve always had an entrepreneurial spirit. Not always a successful one but I keep at it and probably will till the day I die. The challenge and exchange is a thrill and the sense of accomplishment of a job well done keeps me going. The same thing as with trying to narrow down my what to write about subject, I have a very difficult time narrowing down an entrepreneurial interest. Like most recently (just this week) I’ve thought about a goatscaping business, baking sweet quick breads for the farmers market, and sewing reuseable grocery totes from feed bags. A recipe for craziness if I tried to do all the things all the time. 

But you know what? Why not try this here and that there at different times and find out more about you, your interest, strengths and weakness. You’d grow with the new experiences and find what you like and don’t like and thru all that I would think it would help narrow down and hone in on the things that you are most interested in, enjoy, and are good at. Then you can work to improve in that particular endeavor. I’ll never know until I try so let’s go!

What are some things that you can talk about all day everyday? Is there ways they are connected? I’d love to hear!

One thought on “What do I write about?”

  1. I enjoyed your article and look forward to reading more. I was inspired by how you described your entrepreneurial spirit – you’ve made me think about giving it a shot.

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