I only learned that term after getting my few goats for the weeds in the pasture. Goats prefer brush and weeds to grass and can get to areas that a lawn mower or tractor would have difficulty getting to.  It’s the green eco-friendly alternative to herbicides and machinery to eliminate brush and weeds. (Awesome!) Simply put goatscaping business owners rent out their goats to clear different areas for clients, using a mob grazing technique.

Since I got these few goats and have witnessed the weed eating power they possess I’ve thought “Hey I can totally do that!” Whoa whoa whoa Tory! You’ve had goats for a total of what 2 weeks? And you only have 4. Yeah they are handling the areas you’re putting them in but they aren’t gonna be doing too many weed control jobs in a very timely manner.

Before and after photo of one of the small plots the goats were in for a short time to clean up before moving to the next area.

Soo I did some research…what does it take to start a goatscaping business?

  • Well a few more goats than 4! On average 8-10 full size goat can clear an acre in a month. We have 5 knee high to a grasshopper goats. Still yet a month is quite awhile to have goats out for clearing an acre…not that all properties will be that size but that’s what I have to go off of. 20-30 goats would be a good amount to start with.
  • Fencing. Would need more than the cattle panels I have for fencing off properties to clear. Ideally solar electric charged net fencing. Along with fencing panels to get the goats from the trailer into the fenced area.
  • Water trough and mineral station and shade/shelter if the area your clearing doesn’t have either.
  • And of course gonna need a truck and livestock trailer to tote around those goats!

Going out and starting from scratch is doable I’m sure but if you wanted to speed up the learning process there are affiliate programs that can fast track the learning process. Like…

Goats on the Go has an affiliate program that allows you to learn from them, use their brand, get recommendation and discount on select supplies, and be a part of that community. Check them out here.

For right now I’ll leave the goatscaping business to others and just focus on  managing mine to clear the property we have. I’ll take my before and after pictures. Maybe for future reference in a goatscaping business…who knows! And definitely for my own satisfaction at seeing the progress they make clearing the pasture.

Considering putting your goats to work? Let me know in the comments what you’re doing or thinking about doing! What is stopping you from getting started if you haven’t yet!